Mostly melody, volume 2 (musikktrykk)
av Dardess, B ; Foster, Stephen .
Serie: Highland/Etling string orchestra series 4331 .Utgiver: Highland/Etling c1993 .Beskrivelse: 1 partitur (24 s.) stemmer .Emne(r): Julemusikk | Partiturer | orkestersett | Stemmer | Strykeorkester Item type:
Current library | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | |
Kristiansand kulturskole Samlingen | Noter | X 12 Mo/II (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | Available | 88uk21379 |
Browsing Kristiansand kulturskole shelves, Shelving location: Samlingen, Collection: Noter Close shelf browser (Hides shelf browser)
X 12 Mo Crossing Pirates' cove | X 12 Mo Rondo alla turca | X 12 Mo/I Mostly melody, volume 1 | X 12 Mo/II Mostly melody, volume 2 | X 12 Ni Gabriellas song for string orchestra (quartet) | X 12 Ol Sommarvals | X 12 Pa Canon in D string quartet |
Platenummer: 4331
Vanskelighetsgrad 2 - 2 1/2
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